Tent Portal – The Why

In order to improve the ease of ordering and the provision of information for wholesale customers, we have created Tent Portal.

A Changing World

In many industries, digital working has rapidly become the new norm and lock-downs have accelerated this development. The traditional way in which customers and buyers interact - phone calls back and forth, days of email traffic before order confirmation - is undeniably being taken over by digital tools and applications.

To make this possible, customers themselves will also have to be convinced of the benefits of digital ordering. We therefore took a close look at the customer experience of old sales flows and set up the Tent Portal to better streamline the ordering process and follow-up.

It starts with the customer

When setting up Tent Portal, the customer's needs were always the starting point. For example, the portal offers personalized product selections and customers can now get real-time updates on orders and deliveries. Tent Portal enables customers to purchase their tent accessories as well as their tent structures online with just one click of the mouse! This saves the Tent Portal customer a lot of time, money and follow-up on orders with multiple suppliers, which can now be used to grow their own businesses. Furthermore, customers have easy access to manuals, invoices and supporting documents (eg tent books) and stay at the top of the tent game by getting premiere access to the latest tent- and accessory developments.

More service

The functionality of the portal ensures that customers manage their purchases themselves and thus buy online more quickly and easily. At the same time, our partnering manufacturers receive clear and uniform orders that save them a lot of time in back and forth communications. Their teams have to handle far fewer routine customer orders and can concentrate on providing more service and new product development.

The result

Tent Portal will continuously work to improve the portal user experience. After all, the platform’s software can unlock thousands more services...